The Effect of Leadership and Management Training in Nursing BasedMedeline Leininger Theory Regarding the Implementation of Managerial Functions of Room Heads with Executives


  • Selvyana Ta'dung Nursing Master's Study Program, Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Karya Husada University Semarang



Managerial Training, Performance Improvement, Statistical Evaluation


This research identifies the characteristics of respondents and eval_uates the impact of training on the implementation of managerial functions at the Lukas Enembe Hospital - Central Memberamo. Findings show that the majority of respondents in the treatment group were women (70.0%) and the majority were under 30 years old or between 30-40 years old. In contrast, the control group was dominated by women (65.0%) and most were aged 30-40 years. In terms of work experience, the treatment group tended to have work experience of ≤5 years, while the control group had work experience of >5-10 years. The implementation of management functions in the treatment group showed a significant improvement after training, with a decrease in the poor and moderate categories, and an increase in the good category. Statistical analysis with Asymp.Sig value. 0.000 indicates a significant effect of training. Recommendations include the implementation of ongoing training with follow-up sessions, the use of relevant case studies, regular eval_uations, as well as the integration of Leininger's theory in the educational curriculum and collaboration between educational institutions and RSUD. Researchers are advised to choose an appropriate research design and conduct in-depth data analysis to eval_uate the impact of training in a statistically significant way.


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