Analysis Of Nurse Workload On Implementation Of Patient Safety And Teamwork With
Caring Behavior As Mediation Variables At Metro Hospitals Cikupa
Syntax Health Sains: Vol. 3, No. 11 November 2022 1623
caring behavior of nurses was quite high.
The variable of caring behavior has
a positive effect on the variable of
implementing patient safety goals. This
means that the better the nurse's caring
behavior, the better the implementation of
the application of patient safety goals by
nurses will be.
The nurse's workload variable has a
positive effect on the Teamwork variable
(teamwork). This means that whether the
workload of nurses is light, medium,
heavy, or very heavy, teamwork will
remain good and be maintained.
Variable Teamwork (teamwork)
does not significantly affect the variable
implementation of patient safety goals.
This means that no matter how teamwork
is, the implementation of patient safety
goals remains a top priority in providing
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