Ramli Saibun Hasudungan, Kemala Rita Wahidi, Erry Yudhya
1526 Jurnal Health Sains, Vol. 3, No. 10, Oktober 2022
1. Nursing clinical career leveling indirectly
significantly influences the implementation
of patient safety goals through nurses' caring
2. The leadership style of the ward head
significantly affects the caring attitude of
3. Clinical career leveling significantly affects
nurses' caring attitude.
4. The leadership style of the head of the room
significantly affects the Implementation of
Patient Safety Goals.
5. Clinical career leveling significantly affects
the implementation of patient safety goals.
6. The caring attitude of nurses significantly
affects the implementation of patient safety
7. The leadership style of the ward head
indirectly significantly affects the
implementation of patient safety goals
through the caring attitude of nurses.
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