Tomi Jepisa, Rischa Hamdanesti, Weni Mailita, Ririn, Husni, Radian Ilmaskal
1568 Jurnal Health Sains, Vol. 3, No. 10, Oktober 2022
encountered in the elderly is the poor quality
of sleep experienced by the elderly (Mubarak
W. I, 2015).
Several research results and data
obtained from both the world and national data
where many elderly experience poor sleep
quality, including data from the National Sleep
Foundation (NSF) in the United States found
as many as 67% of elderly people aged 65
years and over were detected having sleep
disorders or difficulty maintaining sleep.
Likewise in Indonesia, the elderly experience
insomnia about 50% aged 65 years, it is even
estimated that every year around 20-50% of
the elderly report insomnia (Kemenkes RI,
2019). Based on the results of Jepisa et al's
research in West Sumatra PSTW, it was found
that 75% of the elderly complained of poor
sleep quality.
Sleep quality is a condition that is
expected or lived by an individual to get
fitness and freshness as soon as a person
wakes up from sleep. Sleep quality can be seen
from various aspects that include quantitative
aspects of sleep such as sleep latency, sleep
duration and subjective aspects of sleep. A
person's sleep quality is said to be good where
a person does not show signs of sleep
deprivation and does not experience problems
in his sleep (Hidayat, 2012).
The elderly need quality rest to maintain
their health and recover from illness. Poor
sleep quality can lead to things like thinking
disorders, confusion and lack of attention. If a
person does not get physiological sleep, he
will experience effects such as confusion,
forgetfulness, and can be disorientated. Health
problems can occur due to poor sleep quality
such as the elderly, often forgetting, the
elderly are susceptible to disease, experiencing
disorientation, decreased concentration,
reduced independence, of course this has a
negative impact on the personal satisfaction of
the elderly, therefore the quality of sleep is
problematic for people with the elderly need to
be resolved immediately (Stanley, 2015).
Several ways can be done to overcome
the problem of sleep quality disorders,
including pharmacological therapy and non-
pharmacological therapy. Using
pharmacological therapy will generally
provide a faster reaction but is not good
enough to have a negative impact on long-term
health. Some studies state that the use of
sleeping pills can lead to a decrease in kidney
function. This shows that there is a need for
safer non-pharmacological therapies, one of
which is murothal Al-Qur'an therapy.
In various references, murottal therapy
is therapy using a sound recording of the
Qur'an which is read or sung by a trained qori.
In another reference it is also said that murottal
is defined as a chanting of the holy verses of
the Qur'an which is read or sung by a qori,
nurottal is also said to be recording, recited
and listened to with a slow and harmonious
tempo. Murotal is one part of music that has a
positive influence on the listener.
In listening to the verses of the Qur'an
or those that are read correctly and tartil, it will
foster peace of mind by both listeners and
readers. The chanting of the holy verses of the
Qur'an can physically produce or contain
human elements, listening to this murottal can
be said to be a kind of instrument or healing
tool that is the easiest to get and reach. Sounds
in listening to murottal can also reduce stress,
stabilize heart rate, pulse, activate natural
endorphins hormones, increase feelings of
relaxation, improve the body's chemical
system so that it lowers blood pressure and
slows breathing.
This murottal therapy can work on the
brain immediately there is a kind of impulse
by the brain that produces or produces
chemicals which can be called neuropeoptide
substances (Hairuddin & Herlina, 2015). In
these molecules will be attached or attached to
various receptors so as to provide feedback in
the form of comfort and enjoyment and the
formation of alpha waves which are more
dominant when the murottal Al-Qur'an is
heard and provides a significant relaxing
effect. Murottal Al-Qur'an as sound therapy
can have the effect of increasing brain waves
by producing high alpha activity associated