�Volume 5, No. 9 September,
ISSN 2723-6927-e ISSN 2723-4339
How Safety
Knowledge and Work Environment Affect Workplace Accidents: Uncovering the Role
of Safety Behaviors
Marcia1*, Rokiah Kusumapradja2,
Intan Silviana Mustikawati3
Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]1*, [email protected]2, [email protected]3
Workplace accidents in hospitals can arise
from human or environmental factors, highlighting the necessity of implementing
Hospital Occupational Safety and Health (HOSH) measures. Preliminary study at X
Hospital shows that work-related accidents persist, with the majority leading
to physical injuries. This study aims to observe the impact of HOSH knowledge
and the work environment on nurse workplace accidents, with safety behaviors
serving as a mediating factor. The research utilizes a quantitative survey
method with a cross-sectional design. A total of 123 nurses participated in the
study. An analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was conducted to
assess the statistical impact. The findings indicate that improving
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) knowledge and enhancing the work
environment can significantly reduce workplace accidents. The mediating role of
safety behaviors further amplifies this effect. Both HOSH knowledge and the
work environment have a positive significant impact on safety behaviors, while
HOSH knowledge, the work environment, and safety behaviors each have a negative
significant impact on workplace accidents
Keywords: Hospital Occupational Safety and Health
Knowledge, Work Environment, Safety Behaviors, Workplace accidents, Structural
Equation Modelling
Workplace accidents in hospitals remain a
significant concern despite efforts to implement Hospital Occupational Health
and Safety (HOHS) programs. The application of HOHS is essential for minimizing
workplace accidents. Understanding OHS and the work environment are capable to
impact safety behaviors, with the expectation that these factors will reduce
the frequency of workplace accidents. Previous studies also highlight that
knowledge, attitudes, and safety practices are crucial components of a safety
culture (Jung et al., 2020).
Data from various studies show a high
prevalence of work-related injuries among healthcare workers, especially
nurses, who are frequently exposed to risks such as needlestick injuries,
musculoskeletal injuries, infections, and other hazards (Nayak et al., 2016;
Arifuddin et al., 2023). Preliminary studies at X Hospital revealed that 53.3%
of respondents reported workplace accidents, with common injuries including
muscle strains, allergies, airborne infections, and sharp objects injuries.
Based on this circumstantial, this study aims to analyze the influence of OHS
knowledge and the work environment on nurses' workplace accidents, with safety
behaviors as a mediating factor at X Hospital.
Research Methods
This study is a quantitative
cross-sectional study. The sample size is determined using a saturated sampling
technique, where all members of the population are included as samples,
comprising all 123 nurses at Hospital X. Data were collected using a questionnaire
instrument with a Likert scoring system, and distributed to the respondents for
completion. Thus, this study employs SEM analysis using the SmartPLS�
software to address the research hypothesis. The research had acknowledged an
ethical approval from the Ethics Administration Board of Esa Unggul University,
Research Ethics Committee. The approval document is 0924-06.023/ DPKE-KEP/
FINAL-EA/ UEU/ VI/ 2024.
The independent variables are HOHS
Knowledge (X1) and Work Environment (X2). The dependent variable is Workplace
Accidents (Y). The mediating variable is Safety Behaviors (Z). The research
model is illustrated in Figure 1. Based on the research model, the hypotheses
generated in this study are:
H1: There is a significant influence of
HOHS knowledge and the work environment on workplace accidents, mediated by
safety behaviors.
There is a significant influence of HOHS knowledge on safety behaviors.
H3: There is a significant influence of
the work environment on safety behaviors.
H4: There is a significant influence of
safety behaviors on workplace accidents.
H5: There is a significant influence of
HOHS knowledge on workplace accidents.
There is a significant influence of the work environment on workplace
Figure 1. Research Model
Results and Discussion
The respondent characteristics data can be
seen in Table 1, and the descriptive results based on calculated Likert score
can be seen in Table 2.
Tabel 1.
Respondent Characteristics
Respondent Characteristics |
N |
% |
N Total (%) |
Gender |
Male |
26 |
21.14% |
123(100%) |
Female |
97 |
78.86% |
Age (years old) Mean: 26.86 |
20 � 25 |
65 |
52.85% |
123(100%) |
26 � 30 |
33 |
26.83% |
31 � 35 |
16 |
13.01% |
36 � 40 |
9 |
7.32% |
Education Background |
Diploma 3 |
81 |
65.85% |
123(100%) |
Diploma 4 |
5 |
4.07% |
Undergraduate |
4 |
3.25% |
Profession |
33 |
26.83% |
Employment (years) |
< 5 |
30 |
24.39% |
123(100%) |
5 � 10 |
44 |
35.77% |
10 � 15 |
31 |
25.20% |
> 15 |
18 |
14.63% |
Source: Primary data from questionnaires
Based on the respondent characteristics
presented in Table 1, the majority are female, totaling 97, compared to 26
males. Most respondents are within the 20 to 25-year age range, by 65
individuals. The educational background of the majority is a diploma, with 81
respondents. The largest group by length of employment consists of 44
respondents who have been working for 5 to 10 years.
Tabel 2.
Variable Matrix
No. |
Variable |
Average Likert Index |
Respondent�s Outcome |
Attitude |
1 |
HOHS Knowledge |
98.88 |
High/Good |
Expert |
2 |
Work Environment |
96.55 |
High/Good |
Safety |
3 |
Safety Behaviors |
95.56 |
High/Good |
Obedient |
4 |
Workplace accidents |
42.60 |
Low/Good |
Aware |
Source: Primary data from questionnaires
According to the average descriptive index
results presented in the table 2, all variables in this study are classified as
good. The variables of knowledge, work environment, and safety behaviors are
rated as high or good. Likewise, the variable of workplace accidents is rated
as low or good.
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
Outer Model Analysis
The results of the outer model testing, as
depicted in Figure 2, indicate that all loading factor values exceed 0.70, and
the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) values are above 0.5, confirming the validity
of all indicator items in this study. Reliability testing further demonstrates
that the Composite Reliability and Cronbach�s Alpha values are above 0.7,
establishing that all questionnaire indicators are reliable and consistent in
measuring the variables. Moreover, the multicollinearity test shows that the
Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) values for all variables fall between 1 and 10,
signifying that the study has successfully passed the multicollinearity test,
allowing it to proceed to the next stage.
Figure 2.
PLS Algorithm Outer Model
Source: SmartPLS� Versi 3.3 Outcome (2024)
Inner Model Analysis
In this study, inner model testing
(structural model analysis) was conducted using bootstrapping techniques in
SmartPLS� version 3.3, with a significance level set at 0.05. The results of
the inner model testing are presented in Figure 3. The R-squared value for
workplace accidents is 0.944, indicating that the variables of knowledge, work
environment, and safety behaviors collectively explain 94.4% of the variance in
workplace accidents, leaving the remaining 5.6% attributable to external
factors. Additionally, the R-squared value for safety behaviors is 0.887,
suggesting that knowledge and the work environment account for 88.7% of the
variance in safety behaviors, with the remaining 11.3% influenced by other
factors. Furthermore, the Q-Square calculation yielded a result of 0.993,
indicating strong predictive relevance as the Q� value approaches one (1). The
f-square values also reveal a strong effect of hospital occupational health and
safety (HOHS) knowledge on workplace accidents, while the effect of safety
behaviors on workplace accidents is weak. The influence of OHS knowledge and
the work environment on safety behaviors is moderate, as is the influence of
the work environment on workplace accidents. Additionally, a Standardized Root
Mean-square Residual (SRMR) test was conducted to evaluate model fit. With an
SRMR value of 0.041, which is below the 0.08 threshold, the model demonstrates
a good fit and is suitable for further analysis.
Figure 3.
Bootstrapping (Inner Model)
Source: SmartPLS� Versi 3.3 Outcome (2024)
The next step
comprises hypothesis analysis, with the results for path coefficient estimates
and T-statistics detailed in Table 3 and Table 4.
Tabel 3.
Path Coefficient Estimation and Statistical Analysis.
Path Coefficients |
T-Statistics |
P-Values |
Annotation |
HOHS Knowledge � Safety Behaviors |
0.560 |
5.888 |
0.000 |
Significant |
Work Environment� � Safety Behaviors |
0.393 |
4.081 |
0.000 |
Significant |
HOHS Knowledge � Workplace accident |
-0.397 |
4.733 |
0.000 |
Significant |
Work Environment� � Workplace accident |
-0.379 |
5.393 |
0.000 |
Significant |
Safety Behaviors � Workplace accident |
-0.214 |
3.250 |
0.001 |
Significant |
Source: SmartPLS� Outcome (2024)
Tabel 3.
Total Effect, Path Coefficient Estimation and Statistical Analysis
Path Coefficients |
Total Effect |
T-Statistics |
P-Values |
Annotation |
HOHS Knowledge � Safety Behaviors � Workplace accident |
-0.120 |
-0.517 |
2.863 |
0.004 |
Significant |
Work Environment� � Safety Behaviors � Workplace accident |
-0.084 |
-0.463 |
2.504 |
0.013 |
Significant |
Source: SmartPLS� Outcome (2024)
Based on the aforementioned data and
analysis, the following discussions are presented:
The Influence of Hospital Occupational Health and
Safety (HOHS) Knowledge and Work Environment on Workplace Accidents: The
Mediating Role of Safety Behavior
Hypothesis 1: There is a significant
effect of Hospital OHS knowledge and the work environment on workplace
accidents through safety behaviors as a mediating variable: Accepted. his hypothesis is substantiated by p-values
less than 0.05 and t-statistics exceeding the critical value of 1.96. The
findings demonstrate that HOHS knowledge and the work environment significantly
contribute to the reduction of workplace accidents, with respective impacts of
39.7% and 37.9%. When safety behaviors are incorporated as a mediating factor,
these effects increase to 51.7% and 46.3%. These results align with Benner's
(1975) epidemiological model and corroborate previous studies, including those
by Hermanto et al. (2023) and Faller et al. (2018), which suggest that safety
behaviors had an important role in the relationship between the work
environment, OHS knowledge, and workplace accidents.
analysis indicates that HOHS knowledge, the work environment, and safety
behaviors are all highly regarded, whereas the incidence of workplace accidents
is rated as low. This reflects a favorable condition within the hospital.
However, the ultimate objective remains the achievement of zero accidents
across all areas. Overall, the study provides a comprehensive overview,
revealing that respondents possess expert OHS knowledge, operate in a safe work
environment, and adhere to safety behaviors, all of which contribute to the low
incidence of workplace accidents
The Influence of Hospital Occupational Health and
Safety (HOHS) Knowledge on Safety Behaviors
Hypothesis 2: The Impact of HOHS Knowledge
on Safety Behaviors: Accepted. The hypothesis is validated by a p-value of
0.000, well below the 0.05 threshold, and a t-statistic of 5.888, which
surpasses the critical value of 1.96. These results indicate a significant
positive correlation between higher Hospital Occupational Health and Safety
(HOHS) knowledge and improved safety behaviors. Statistical analysis reveals
that an increase in HOHS knowledge can enhance safety behaviors by 56%.
Mansdrof (2019) and Vimercati (2022) describe OHS knowledge as the
understanding and application of safety and health principles to prevent
accidents. Similarly, studies by Peterson and Mayhew (2018) and Prihantini et
al. (2022) suggest that OHS knowledge is integral in fostering a safety culture
that mitigates workplace accidents.
Descriptive data further indicate that
both HOHS knowledge and safety behaviors are rated as good. This positive
assessment highlights the influence of strong OHS knowledge on safety
behaviors, which is crucial in establishing a safety culture within hospitals
that prioritizes safety and health. This culture fosters collective behaviors
that support safety and health initiatives. Equipped with adequate OHS
knowledge, medical personnel and hospital staff are better prepared to
implement proper safety procedures and practices. Ultimately, OHS knowledge
plays a crucial role in shaping safety behaviors within hospitals, contributing
to a safer environment for all involved.
The Influence of Work Environment on Safety Behaviors.
Hypothesis 3: There is a significant
effect of the work environment on safety behaviors: Accepted. This hypothesis
is supported by a p-value of 0.000, well below the 0.05 significance threshold,
and a t-statistic of 4.081, which exceeds the critical value of 1.96. These
findings suggest a significant positive relationship between an improved work
environment and enhanced safety behaviors. Statistical analysis indicates that
enhancements in the work environment can lead to a 39.3% increase in safety
behaviors. Previous research underscores the critical role of the work
environment in influencing safety behaviors. Tamene et al. (2022) emphasized
the importance of both the work environment and individual responsibility in
reducing unsafe behaviors, highlighting the crucial role of management in
providing necessary resources. Similarly, Mei et al. (2020) identified a strong
connection between organizational support and improved safety outcomes through
safety behaviors. Mohammadfam et al. (2022) also noted that the safety climate
within the work environment has both direct and indirect effects on safety
Descriptive data further reveal that both
the work environment and safety behaviors are rated positively. This finding
aligns with previous research indicating that a favorable work environment
positively impacts safety behaviors. An environment that promotes a safety
culture, where all hospital members are accountable for safety, can enhance
adherence to safety procedures and reduce workplace accidents. Support from
hospital management, manifested through safety training, provision of personal
protective equipment (PPE), and routine supervision, can elevate workers'
safety knowledge and awareness. Overall, a supportive and well-maintained work
environment plays a crucial role in influencing safety behaviors. By
emphasizing these factors, organizations can foster a safer work environment
and improve safety behaviors among employees.
The Influence of Safety Behaviors on Workplace
Hypothesis 4: There is a significant
effect of safety behaviors on workplace accidents: Accepted. This hypothesis is
supported by a negative path coefficient, a p-value of 0.000 (below the 0.05
threshold), and a t-statistic of 3.250 (exceeding the critical value of 1.96).
These results suggest that higher safety behaviors are associated with a
reduction in workplace accidents. Statistical analysis indicates that enhanced
safety behaviors can decrease workplace accidents by 21.4%. Faller et al.
(2018) observed this effect among healthcare practitioners in the Philippines,
while Diannita et al. (2020) similarly identified a significant impact of
safety behaviors on workplace accidents in their research. Additionally,
Lutovska et al. (2021) highlighted that awareness of workplace safety
significantly influences working conditions.
����������� Descriptive data show that safety
behaviors are rated highly, while workplace accidents are rated as low. This
finding is consistent with previous research, which suggests that positive
safety behaviors have a negative impact on the incidence of workplace
accidents. Safety behaviors are critical in preventing workplace accidents.
Initiatives aimed at promoting positive safety behaviors directly contribute to
creating a safer, injury-free work environment. By fostering a safety culture,
providing adequate training, ensuring adherence to procedures, and encouraging
active participation from all employees, organizations can significantly reduce
both the frequency and severity of workplace accidents. Positive safety
behaviors ultimately lead to a safer and more productive work environment for
The Influence of Hospital OHS Knowledge on Workplace
Hypothesis 5: There is a significant
negative effect of HOHS knowledge on workplace accidents: Accepted. This
hypothesis is supported by a negative path coefficient, a p-value of 0.000
(below the 0.05 threshold), and a t-statistic of 4.733 (exceeding the critical
value of 1.96). These results indicate that an increase in Hospital
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) knowledge is associated with a decrease in
workplace accidents. Statistical analysis reveals that improved OHS knowledge
can reduce workplace accidents by 39.7%. This finding is consistent with
previous studies by Diannita et al. (2020) and Faller et al. (2018), which also
reported a significant impact of OHS knowledge on reducing workplace accidents.
Similarly, Wahyuni et al. (2022) identified a relationship between OHS
knowledge and accident rates among nurses in hospitals.
Descriptive data indicate that OHS
knowledge is rated good, while workplace accidents are rated as low. This
aligns with the aforementioned studies, which suggest that strong OHS knowledge
has a negative effect on the incidence of workplace accidents. OHS knowledge
equips workers with the essential skills to identify and mitigate risks within
the work environment. A thorough understanding of safety and health principles
enables individuals to recognize potential hazards and prevent accidents. With
enhanced knowledge, workers are more likely to follow safety procedures and
protocols, thereby contributing to a safer workplace environment.
The Influence of the work environment on workplace
Hypothesis 6: There is a significant
negative effect of the work environment on workplace accidents: Accepted. This
hypothesis is supported by a negative original sample value, a p-value of 0.000
(below 0.05), and a t-statistic of 5.393 (exceeding the critical value of
1.96). These findings suggest that an improved work environment is associated
with a reduction in workplace accidents. Statistical analysis confirms that
enhancements in the work environment can decrease workplace accidents by 37.9%.
This result is consistent with theories on workplace accidents proposed by
experts such as Heinrich (1959) and Gordon (1949), who asserted that the work
environment significantly influences accident rates. Additionally, studies by
Tamene et al. (2022) and Widjaja and Abdullah (2021) highlight the critical
role of a supportive work environment in mitigating risk factors that
contribute to workplace accidents.
Descriptive data reflect that the work
environment is rated as high/good and workplace accidents are rated as low.
This aligns with the studies mentioned, which indicate that a positive work
environment negatively affects the incidence of workplace accidents. A
well-maintained work environment significantly influences accident rates.
Unsafe or unsupportive environments increase accident risks. By addressing
physical aspects, equipment, machinery, organizational practices, and work
procedures, and by fostering a strong safety culture, organizations can create
a safer and more productive work environment. Such efforts protect worker
health, enhance operational efficiency, and reduce accident-related costs.
Properly designed and managed work environments can substantially lower
workplace accident rates.
Key Findings and Managerial Implications
The study statistically demonstrates that
Hospital Occupational Health and Safety (HOHS) knowledge, the work environment,
and safety behaviors are significantly and negatively related to workplace
accidents among nurses. It also reveals that hospital OHS knowledge
predominantly influences safety behaviors, whereas the work environment
primarily impacts the occurrence of workplace accidents. Furthermore, the study
shows that safety behaviors mediate the relationship between OHS knowledge, the
work environment, and the reduction of workplace accidents.
The hospital has evidently made
significant strides in reducing workplace accidents through the enhancement of
Hospital Occupational Health and Safety (HOHS) knowledge, continuous
improvement of the work environment, and promotion of safety behaviors. Research
indicates that hospital staff possess robust OHS knowledge, benefit from a
high-quality physical and non-physical work environment, and demonstrate
commendable safety behaviors, all of which contribute to the low incidence of
workplace accidents. Nevertheless, the ultimate objective remains achieving
zero accidents, necessitating sustained efforts from both management and
employees. To this end, the study outlines several managerial implications
aimed at empowering the Hospital OHS Teams or Unit through comprehensive
support from management, encompassing both material and non-material resources.
Implementation of tailored strategies may consist of:
These strategies collectively contribute
to fostering a safety culture and advancing towards a zero-accident environment
in the hospital.
Based on the
research results, it can be concluded that workplace accidents can be mitigated
by enhancing Hospital Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) knowledge and
improving the work environment. Safety behaviors serve as a mediating factor,
amplifying the effect of HOHS knowledge and the work environment on the
reduction of workplace accidents. To effectively implement these insights,
hospital management may adopt a strategic approach aimed at enhancing these
areas. The following recommendations are proposed to assist the hospital in
cultivating a safer work environment and achieving a sustained reduction in
workplace accidents:
a. Establish a Competent OHS
Team: The hospital management should form a skilled Hospital Occupational
Health and Safety (OHS) team, equip the facility with essential safety support
tools, and allocate a dedicated budget to ensure the sustainability of OHS programs.
b. Promote Safety Behaviors:
Hospital management can implement policies and regulations related to safety
behaviors. Additionally, regular reminders can be issued through routine text
messages or posters displayed in work areas.
c. Utilize Technology:
Management should consider leveraging technology, including safety management
software or mobile applications, to monitor and enhance safety behaviors.
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