Volume 5, No. July 7, 2024

p ISSN 2723-6927-e ISSN 2723-4339


The Phenomenon of Premarital Sex among Adolescents in Lembeyan District, Magetan Regency


Ilham Ibnu Utomo

Public Health, Stickers Bhakti Husada Mulia Madiun, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]



This research describes the phenomenon of premarital sexual behavior among teenagers in Lembeyan District, Magetan Regency, and analyzes the role of parents in prevention efforts. The research method uses a qualitative approach with interview and documentation techniques for teenagers under the age of 19 who are involved in this behavior, as well as their parents and local KUA officers. The results show that premarital sexual behavior is influenced by unhealthy relationships and lack of supervision from parents. Parents are identified as having an important role as educators, role models, supervisors and counselors in preventing premarital sexual behavior. These findings provide input for improving understanding and preventive action in the field of adolescent health.

Keywords: Premarital sex, Teenagers, Role of parents



Adolescence is a period of change from child to adult physically, emotionally and psychologically(Suryana et al., 2022). Where adolescence is still unstable, at this time a person will look for his identity without thinking about the risks of what he will do. One of the problems that often occurs in teenagers is premarital sexual behavior(Nabila et al., 2023). Premarital sexual behavior begins with promiscuity and is usually carried out by groups of early adolescents aged 10-18 years.(Fauziah et al., 2022). At this time, they are looking for their identity, begin to be attracted to the opposite sex, romantic feelings emerge and begin to have sexual fantasies which can lead to juvenile delinquency.(Ramadhani, 2022).

Premarital sexual behavior is a sexual act that is carried out without marriage and is often carried out during adolescence. The problems experienced by teenagers are quite complex, starting from relationships, unhealthy dating behavior and so on.(Aswinda, 2021). Data from the 2017 Indonesian Health and Survey (SDKI), some teenagers stated that they started dating before the age of 15(KW & Arifah, 2020). Dating behavior carried out by teenagers according to the 2017 SDKI data, holding hands, followed by kissing and teenagers admitting to having touched sensitive body parts of their partner, and 3.6% of teenagers have had sexual relations like husband and wife.(Waliyanti et al., 2022).

Risky sexual behavior among unmarried teenagers tends to increase and result in out-of-wedlock pregnancies or KTD, sexual behavior carried out in adolescence has an impact on infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, thereby placing teenagers at risk of unsafe sexual behavior.(Kasim, 2014). The role of parents also has a big impact on teenagers in risky sexual behavior, it can also be concluded that families provide the most information to children, provide supervision and attention to children, this allows for less sexual behavior carried out by teenagers compared to others. with adolescents with low family role(Dewi, Masruhim, 2019).

The cause of premarital sexual behavior is a biological urge to strengthen commitment to dating and feel ready to have a relationship with your partner. If premarital sex is not treated immediately, there will be more cases of sexually transmitted diseases, premarital pregnancies, and maternal deaths due to pregnancy at an early age.(Akbar et al., 2023).

Data obtained by the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency, the number of residents with teenagers is 42.4 million. The National Commission for Child Protection (KPAI) and the Indonesian Ministry of Health stated that around 62.7% of teenagers have had premarital sexual relations. Data from the East Java Communication and Information Service, the number of applications for Marriage Dispensation (DISKA) for East Java Province is 15,212 cases. Around 12,457 teenage girls, and 3,424 teenage boys(Nur Lutfiana et al., 2023)

Data from the Magetan Regency Religious Court in 2022 saw the number of Applications for Marriage Dispensation (DISKA), namely in the Poncol, Plaosan and Lembeyan areas as many as 107 applications, most applications for marriage dispensation were made by elementary school age students at 18 people, at junior high school at 72 people, and at high school at 17 people. . So it can be concluded that those who apply for marriage dispensation are on average not old enough or under 19 years of age in accordance with the applicable provisions.(Hidayat & Nurhayati, 2020).

Based on data from the Magetan Regency Religious Court Office, it shows that there are 94 reports of applications for marriage dispensation in 2023 spread across 18 sub-districts. The data shows that the sub-district has the highest incidence of marriage dispensation cases in the War sub-district with a total of 13 cases. Meanwhile, based on the results of a survey by the Magetan Religious Court Office in December, data showed that the highest increase in marriage dispensation was in Lembeyan sub-district with 3 reports.

The role that parents play, such as inconsistent parenting patterns, lack of parental knowledge about sex, low level of education among parents, lack of supervision provided, and no education provided by parents to their children regarding sexuality issues can make children unstable. Lack of attention given to children and lack of knowledge about sex can make children easily influenced by the unfavorable surrounding environment, especially in today's era regarding sorting social media content.So it can be seen that the role of parents is very important, especially in terms of knowledge and supervision to prevent premarital sex in teenagers.(Kosati, 2018).

Parents are educators for their children, the main role models for children whose behavior will be observed and imitated. Parents want children who are obedient and dutiful, so parents must prepare provisions in the form of education, encouragement, role models and counselors for their children to face a better life.(Hidayat & Nurhayati, 2020).

On research(Hidayat & Nurhayati, 2020)entitled the relationship between the role of parents and the incidence of premarital sex, showed that children with light premarital sexual behavior were 110 respondents (51.2%), moderate premarital sexual behavior was 71 respondents (33%), and heavy premarital sexual behavior was 34 respondents (15 .8%). The research results show that the role of parents is very influential in the incidence of premarital sex in children who are still classified as under-general.

Applications for marriage dispensation on average are classified as underage or at least 19 years, which often occurs in Lembeyan sub-district, indicating that premarital sexual behavior has occurred. Various efforts have been made to address premarital sexual behavior by the school, however, the incidence of premarital sex is still high, this is proven by the case of marriage dispensation. So researchers are interested in conducting research regarding the knowledge and role of parents in preventing premarital sex in Lembeyan District.

This research aims to identify the phenomenon of premarital sex among teenagers in Lembeyan District, Magetan Regency. The main problem formulation is to reveal what phenomena occur in that context. The general aim is to understand the phenomenon of premarital sex among teenagers in the region, while the specific aim includes identifying the role of parents as educators, role models, supervisors and counselors in efforts to prevent premarital sexual behavior. The benefits of this research include providing input and knowledge in the health sector to researchers, respondents and health services in the district, with the hope of increasing understanding and preventive action regarding this problem.



This research uses a qualitative approach with interview and documentation methods to understand the phenomenon of premarital sex among teenagers in Krowe Village, Lembeyan District, Magetan Regency. This method aims to obtain in-depth information regarding parents' attitudes and roles in preventing premarital sex through semi-structured interviews and documentation analysis. The research objects include teenagers under the age of 19 who have had premarital sex, with the research subjects consisting of these teenagers, their parents, and Lembeyan District KUA officers. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling to select relevant informants based on certain criteria. Determining informants involves key, main and supporting informants, each of whom has knowledge or an important role in the research topic. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and documentation, then analyzed using data reduction techniques, data presentation, and drawing conclusions to ensure the validity and credibility of the research results. Source triangulation and document methods are used to verify the data, while the results of data analysis are presented in the form of descriptive narratives to facilitate understanding and interpretation of the phenomena studied.



Interpretation of Research Results and Discussion

In-depth interview conducted by the head of the research subject regarding the phenomenon of premarital sex in Lembean sub-district, Kab. Magetan

A.   Teen Premarital Sex

Premarital sex between teenagers and their parents is what premarital sexual behavior is carried out by teenagers, how teenagers respond to teenage sexual behavior, how parents provide sex education to their children, what role parents give their children regarding premarital sex, how to provide supervision to children, what is the attitude of parents as counselors.

1.     Things that make teenagers interested in sexual behavior and sexual behavior carried out by teenagers

a.     From the results of research with a total of 8 informants, the majority of 7 informants said that they were initially interested in sexual behavior due to the influence of their friends and curiosity.

Informant 1 said that his initial interest in dating was influenced by his friend and he tried to date. He said he felt happy and was also interested in dating because he received attention from his partner. This was reinforced by what was conveyed by the supporting informant, namely his mother.

The supporting informant said that as his grandmother he had tried to give good advice and role models for the informant to focus on school and not date at a young age and because he was the only one at home with him where the informant's parents had separated and migrated abroad so that he didn't know what was going on. what the informant has done so far.

The supporting informant said that he knew that the informant was dating because he had once seen him bring his girlfriend to play at the informant's house. He also thought that because the informant's parents had separated and did not live in the same house, the informant only lived with his older brother, so the informant Lack of attention and guidance from parental figures resulted in this happening. From the statements of informants 1 and 4, it is the same as that conveyed by informants 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8. What makes the informants interested in sexual behavior is because of the influence of friends and also the feeling of happiness because they feel they are getting the attention they have received so far. want to get from both parents.

b.     The sexual behavior that is usually carried out, from the results of research with a total of 8 informants, the 8 informants said that the behavior they carried out up to the stage of sexual intercourse was holding hands, touching and kissing, as conveyed by informant 1:

Informant 1 said that he started dating in 2021, then often went out together and played at each other's houses and the first time he had sexual relations was when his girlfriend was playing at his house, then when it was just the two of them his girlfriend started groping where he shouldn't be. Informant 1 just gave in and followed until finally kissing and having sexual relations, he said that the first person who asked was his girlfriend and they had sexual relations during school holidays or once a week when playing at informant 1's house or at his girlfriend's house when no one was around. This is reinforced by the statement made by the supporting informant, namely her grandmother, she said:

Supporting informants said that during their courtship, the parents of both informant 1 and his girlfriend did not know what their children were doing because their parents had separated and moved abroad, especially since he was the only one at home who was also busy with work at home. and in the rice fields. This is more or less the same as what was conveyed by informant 2:

Informant 2 said that he was initially asked to go out to play, then he was invited to his girlfriend's house because his girlfriend's parents were not at home because they were working. This happened. At first, he said that he was just kissing, then his girlfriend started to touch him. At first, he refused, but because he was carried away by lust, they finally arrived. having sexual relations. This was reinforced by what was conveyed by a supporting informant, namely his mother:

The supporting informant said that he felt that his child was fine and that it would not be like that, because according to him the important thing was that school children and parents were sufficient to meet the needs/requirements required by their children and he felt that as a parent he had educated and provided a role model for his child by advised not to date.

Informant 3 said that initially he was invited to play with his girlfriend and his friend to the nest and then invited to the inn, he said at first he didn't know he would be invited to the inn because his girlfriend said he only wanted to buy coffee but it turned out he was invited to go to the inn, because he was also together. Ignited with lust, sexual intercourse finally occurred. He also said that he only had sexual intercourse once because it was during the fertile period, so pregnancy occurred.

Supporting informants said that he had set the best example but felt that he was lacking in providing supervision and education to his children because he was busy working, plus he had separated from his wife. He said that all this time he also did not know what his children were doing when they were outside the home because what he knew During this time his son said goodbye to go to school. From the statements of informants 1, 2 and 3, it is more or less the same as that conveyed by informants 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, that the sexual behavior they carry out up to the stage of sexual intercourse is just holding hands, touching and kissing, as well as parents who lack of supervision when they are outside the home. The key informant said that he really regretted the incident of premarital sex that occurred. He said that this incident occurred due to negligence on the part of parents, teachers and also the community. Negligence in providing education and also role models for young children, which in religion is clearly prohibited, but because of the lack of education that was emphasized to the informants, it finally made them feel free and this happened.

Puberty in adolescents begins at the age of 12 to 15 years so that sexual education can be given at that age. The aim of providing sexual education to teenagers is to prevent premature sexual behavior in teenagers due to a lack of knowledge about reproductive health, including the impact of risky premarital sex. The informants from this study mostly engaged in sexual behavior, namely joining in with their peers and also felt happy because they felt they were getting attention when the informant was in a relationship (dating), which ultimately made the informant do things that should not have been done before marriage, such as kissing, touching and even having premarital sexual relations.

From the results of interviews with 3 informants, it is known that free sexual behavior in teenagers originates from unhealthy dating behavior, as has beendosex. They do this because they like each other and teenagers' curiosity about having sex. Apart from that, they also date because they feel theresomebodywho provide attention that they do not get from parents or other close family.

This research is in line with research conducted by Triana (2019) regarding perceptionbetween teenagers who are dating and teenagers who are not dating regarding premarital sexual behaviorwhich states thatMost of the 75.0% (27 teenagers) who are not dating have a positive perception about premarital sex. Current dating styles generally tend to focus on sexual matters and can lead to unwanted events such as pregnancies outside of marriage. Some teenagers who are dating have a positive perception because they think that the dating period can be used as motivation, support and encouragement in carrying out daily activities, apart from that, when one of them has a problem they can share with each other about solving the problem and they can fill each other in. shortcomings of one another(Setijaningsih, 2019).

Respondents also said that they chose to date because they received attention that they did not get from their families, especially their parents. Of course, in this case the role of parents in maintaining parenting patterns is lacking, the role of parents is very important in preventing premarital sexual behavior. Parents' attention to children, especially the transition from childhood to adulthood, is a transition that is vulnerable to negative influences.

Based on the research results, it can be concluded that many teenagers have premarital sex because of unhealthy dating and curiosity. Starting from physical touch such as holding hands, kissing, hugging and spreading to sexual behavior. This is also due to their curiosity about having sex with their partner and because they also have a biological desire to be interested in having sex. Things like this happen because of a lack of education for teenagers regarding premarital sex, their lack of understanding about premarital sex causes their curiosity to increase and they engage in panic sex. Apart from that, the lack of supervision from parents is also a trigger, those who have premarital sex do so because their parents let them go and their parents are busy and do not pay attention to their relationships.

It would be better for this cause to carry out educational activities for teenagers from various education channels, not just parents, so that knowledge can be distributed by schools, health promotion staff, youth organizations and other organizations. It is hoped that providing sex education and knowledge can be achievedaddknowledge of teenagers, especially in the field of preventing premarital sex and reducing the prevalence of premarital sex and pregnancy outside of marriage.

2.     Roleparents in preventing premarital sex in adolescents

a.    From the results of research with a total of 8 supporting informants, 3 supporting informants have provided education, role models, supervision and as counselors to the informants.

������� Supporting informant 1 said that he, as a parent, always provides direction, role models and also supervision to teenagers so that they do not date, supporting informant also said that teenagers now are like that. All facilities have been provided and he does not know where teenagers go every time, they leave the house so parents are in Supervision of teenagers is lacking, and every time parents ask informants, they always get angry.

Supporting informant 2 said that as a parent he provided education, a role model and also supervision, just reminding him, supporting informant 2 gave a prohibition against dating the informant and in providing supervision he simply asked about the whereabouts of the informant, this is the case for the supporting informant in providing a supervisory role model to the informant. say it is less directed towards preventing premarital sex in teenagers.

Supporting informant 2 said that in providing education to informants, he simply prohibited them from dating and also provided a good role model. The supporting informant also provided supervision to the informant. He also provided facilities to the informant so that this made it difficult for the supporting informant to supervise the informant.

b.   The role of parents from a total of 8 supporting informants, there were 5 supporting informants who were lacking in providing education, role models, supervision and also counselors to the informants.

The supporting informant said that he had never provided education that led to premarital sex and also that his parents had separated, the supporting informant also provided a role model for the informant and the supporting informant in providing supervision was very lacking because he was busy working. He also said that his parents were lacking in providing education and also supervision of informants.

Supporting informant 4, namely his neighbor, said that initially the informant was at the cottage, the informant's parents had been separated for a long time and worked abroad so the informant rarely met his parents, the informant lived at home with his older brother. Supporting informants also said that nowadays, through cellphone media, teenagers are very quickly led to premarital sex and there is also a lack of parental supervision.

Supporting informant 5 said that in providing education to the informant, he only reminded him to pray and recite the Koran and did not remind him of things that caused sex. The supporting informant also said that he did not provide more in-depth supervision to the informant regarding sex because he was busy working in his rice fields. I also supervised informants, but the interaction of children now via cellphones makes it difficult for supporting informants to monitor them. The supporting informant also said that as a parent he also provided an example of good behavior carried out by others, and the supporting informant as a parent never asked questions or told stories to the informant because the informant was always silent when asked.

What was said by supporting informant 6 in providing education about sex was never because he was busy working to meet his needs and supporting informant as a parent in providing a role model to the informant was just doing good things. The supporting informant, in providing supervision to the informant, only reminded the informant that when it was time to go home, immediately go home and the supporting informant also never asked questions or became a place to tell the informant about things that led to premarital sex because he was busy working.

The statement expressed by informant 6 was that the informant felt a lack of love from his parents, while the informant was still working, his mother never gave him any news, so the informant felt that he was not being cared for and sought attention from other people, namely the informant's girlfriend, so that leading into sex.

The statement expressed by the key informant, namely the KUA officer, said that according to the information he received, especially in Lembeyan sub-district, premarital sex occurred due to disharmonious family factors, he also said that his parents were fine but their child was pregnant out of wedlock, He said that not everyone is like that, but most families are not harmonious, so teenagers seek sensation and attention from other people, namely their girlfriends.Most of the informants' parents separated when the informants were still young and many of them migrated to work abroad so that the informants lacked early education and felt that they had no one to look up to as a role model and lacked attention, which made them try to look for it in others.

This research is in line with research conducted by Triana (2019) regarding perceptionbetween teenagers who are dating and teenagers who are not dating regarding premarital sexual behaviorwhich states thatMost of the 75.0% (27 teenagers) who are not dating have a positive perception about premarital sex. Current dating styles generally tend to focus on sexual matters and can lead to unwanted events such as pregnancies outside of marriage. Some teenagers who are dating have a positive perception because they think that the dating period can be used as motivation, support and encouragement in carrying out daily activities, apart from that when one of themownThey can share problems with each other regarding solutions to these problems and they can fill in each other's shortcomings(Setijaningsih, 2019).

Respondents also said that they chose to date because they received attention that they could not get from their families, especially their parents. Of coursein this case the role of parents in maintaining parenting patterns is lacking, the role of parents is very important in preventing premarital sexual behavior. Parents' attention to children, especially the transition from childhood to adulthood, is a transition that is vulnerable to negative influences.

Based on research conducted by Afrilia (2019) distribution frequency The role of parents in the sexual behavior of 60 students is known to be a group of teenagers whose rolepersontheir parents were negative, 79% were at risk of having premarital sex, while in the group of teenagers whose parents were positive, only 45% were at risk of having premarital sex.The group of teenagers whose parental role is negative is 4 times more likely to have premarital sexual activity compared to the group of teenagers whose parental role is positive.(Afrilia et al., 2019).

Without serious supervision from parents and healthy communication within the family, teenagers can fall into bad behavior. Therefore, the role of parents is to provide serious supervision, choose friends, educate, etcgiveMore free time to communicate can prevent children from falling into bad behavior early(Winarti & Alamsyah, 2020).

Based on the research results, it can be concluded that many teenage parents are lacking in providing education, role models, supervision andcounselorFor teenagers, this makes teenagers feel like they don't get attention and are freeTeenagers can lead to bad actions such as having premarital sex because of unhealthy dating and curiosity. Starting from physical touch such as holding hands, kissing, hugging and spreading to sexual behavior. This is also due to their curiosity about having sex with their partner and because they also have a biological desire to be interested in having sex. Things like this happen because of the lack of education and role models provided by parents to teenagers, such as education to teenagers regarding premarital sex, their lack of understanding about premarital sex, lack of supervision from parents is also a cause, those who have premarital sex do so because they are free. by parents and busy parents who do not pay attention to their relationships.

It would be better for this cause to carry out educational activities for parents and teenagers from various education channels, not only from KUA officers, so that the distribution of knowledge can be carried out by health promotion personnel. Providing education to parents and teenagers regarding parents providing education, guidance, supervision and also being a counselor is expectedcanincrease the knowledge of parents and teenagers, especially in the field of preventing premarital sex and reducing the incidence of premarital sex and pregnancy outside of marriage.

B.   Research limitations

This type of research uses a qualitative approach by means of interviews and documentation of the phenomenon of premarital sex in adolescents. This research uses primary data obtained during research using the source triangulation method. There are limitations for researchers in conducting this research which may influence the research results:

1.       Limitations in interviewing informants who are less open in expressing what they have experienced

2.       When interviewed, the informant gave slightly different answers to what was said and what was asked

3.       It was quite difficult to arrange a schedule with the informant's parents because he was still busy with his work.

4.       There were several informants whose parents were not at home because they worked abroad

5.       There were several informants foster parents who did not understand how to receive questions and when giving answers

6.       Researchers have not examined several things that have the potential to cause premarital sex in teenagers.



Based on the results of research on "The Phenomenon of Premarital Sex among Adolescents in Lembeyan District, Magetan Regency," the conclusion shows that the role of parents as educators, role models, supervisors and counselors in preventing premarital sexual behavior among adolescents is still less than optimal. This is caused by disharmonious family conditions, such as broken homes or parents who work as migrant workers, which results in teenagers losing adequate guidance and attention from their parents. In this context, teenagers tend to seek influence from the external environment such as peers or social media, which can worsen premarital sexual behavior. Therefore, further efforts are needed to strengthen the role of parents in educating, supervising, providing good examples, and providing emotional support and counseling needed by teenagers to avoid unwanted premarital sexual behavior.



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